A Sitdown with Natalie Coughlin, Lifestyle Expert & Olympic Athlete

Not too long ago, I had the pleasure of sitting down with the beautiful, Natalie Coughlin, most commonly known, Olympic Swimmer. What you may not know is that Natalie is also a Lifestyle Expert!  She’s had a recent collaboration with LensCrafters, and provided me with some really amazing tips about how to live a healthy lifestyle, a few of her favorite frames from LensCrafters’ Spring/Summer 2013 eyewear collections, and of course, a few of her personal beauty tips.  There’s nothing like a young lady, juggling it all, but still balancing life in style.  

What do you love so much about LensCrafters? I think it’s great that they have so many companies that they represent, and you get a lot of variety while you’re in the store.  Also, you’re able to try on different pairs with a virtual mirror.  Like now, if I’m trying on other glasses, and I look at myself in the mirror, I can’t see how I look because I need prescriptions.  The virtual mirror allows you to take a picture, and try on several different styles. It then gives a forward picture comparison of what you look like in different styles.  So, that’s a really nice way to shop.  You can also get your prescription done in less than an hour.  It’s just really convenient.

Out of some of the newer LensCrafters frames that have come out this season, what are some of your faves? Miu Miu has really funky sunglasses for Spring.  They are hexagon shaped, and suede material.  Those are super fun!  Rayban has a fantastic pair that is retro, but I have a big face.  So, a lot of those frames are a little too small for my face.  I like bigger frames, since I have a wider shaped face.

You have on nice glasses tonight! Do you always wear glasses? Or, is it more of a fashion accessory for you? Not always.  I need a prescription.  I wear contacts when I compete, but I love accessorizing with glasses.  These are my big black frames, but I also have great teal and red ones.  It changes up your look quite a bit.  It’s just, yet another, accessory.  It’s just fun!  I love playing dress up.

When it comes to beauty and athletes keeping up on their look,  what advice would you give? I’m in the water, and I don’t worry about makeup when I’m swimming or competing.  Often times, when we are at the Olympics, we have to meet with the media right afterwards.  So, for me, it’s really important to have a well-groomed brow.  I’m obsessed with having a well-groomed brow, especially since I have big bushy ones.  That’s really important.  I like to take really good care of my lashes as well.  I use something similar to Latisse, which makes them stronger without mascara on.  And then, just having good skin!  Making sure that I stay on a routine.  I use my Clarisonic Brush so I don’t have any blemishes.  That seems to help quite a bit.  When you’re not wearing makeup, you have to take really good care of what you have.

Is there any advice you would give to anyone trying to follow in your footsteps? With the recent partnership, I know that you’re juggling so many things.  It’s just managing your time, and I think it’s really important to be present in the moment.  Right now, I’m here with LensCrafters, and I’m fully focused on that.  Tomorrow, if I’m training in the pool,  I will try to think of just what I’m doing in the pool.  It’s not that I’m not worried about what’s ahead, but I think so many times when you’re  busy in so many fields, it gets overwhelming.  Then you don’t focus on what you are doing in that moment.  So, I think that’s really important. Pay attention to what you’re doing, and try to compartmentalize your thoughts when you can.

2 Splashes, and a Sexy Dive for Natalie Coughlin! Motivation.

photo credit: Getty Images